Let's face it having big arms is every guys dream. Also the first thing people judge you off of is your arms and calves, because those are the first two things they can actually see. I have been getting alot of questions on how to grow arms, so i've decided to make this article and give a few tips that will really help build some cannons.
Lets start of by simply separating all 3 muscles on your arm. The first muscle you have is your bicep, second is your tricep and third is your shoulder. The shoulder is really over looked when it comes to having a good set of arms. Having big shoulders can really make your arms look even bigger a give them that crazy 3D look. Now having big shoulders is good if you already have good biceps and triceps, but the last thing you want to do is overpower your Bi’s and tri’s with your shoulders. If you do that, it will make your arms look even smaller. So pay attention to the mirror and try to stay as proportionate as possible.
Now that's over, we can can move on to the good stuff, building your biceps and triceps. The tricep muscle, also known as the triceps brachii, is located in the back of the arm between the elbow and the shoulder. The triceps consists of three heads and is roughly 75% of the arm. Let me say that again, 75% of the arm!! So focusing on building some big azz triceps will really make your arms grow and look A LOT bigger. Although trying to make your triceps bigger you can’t neglect the biceps. The biceps, which consist of two different heads the short head or outer biceps and the long head or inner bicep. These muscles are responsible for elbow flexion which means moving the hand toward the shoulder, elbow supination which means rotating the palm upward, and shoulder flexion/transverse flexion. Yes, I know I am kind of getting scientific on you right now but I feel that you should learn this stuff, which can help you in the long run and will also make your more knowledgeable. Don’t worry though the scientific stuff is over with. Here are 4 key tips to building bigger arms.
Train your arms more often
Most people only train their arms 1x a week, which is on their arm day. This is where most people mess up. If you are enhanced (steroids) and have great genetics, 1x a week may work great for you but for most people it will not. I recommend to start training your arms at least 2-3x a week.
2. Do NOT neglect the compound movements
When you train arms, doing isolation movements and getting a great pump is great and all but dont forget about doing some heavy compound movements. For example, weighted chin ups, close grip bench press, weighted dips, etc.. I recommend having a combination of both isolation and compound movements.
3. Mix it up
Stop doing the regular sets of 3x8-15 reps and moving on. It's time to mix it up, start throwing in drop sets, tri sets, supersets, pyramid sets, GVT, 8x8, etc. There are all kinds of ways to mix up your training. If you feel that you've hit a plateau in arm growth start doing a few of these and I guarantee you will see results.
4. Intensity
Last but not least, intensity guys. So many people never train hard enough and the don't put enough emphasis on shocking their muscles. Most people stop during the set once they have reached the number of reps provided or when its starts to burn, and that's the last thing you want to do. If you have to do 15 reps, then my gosh those 15 reps better be the hardest reps you have ever done if your life and that is how you should go about every other set you do. Also Intensity may be my #1 tip when it comes to building any muscle group. It is really over looked and like I said not enough people empty the tank.
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